ColoWell America | Proctology and Aesthetics Care

You’re told to eat more protein, watch your carbohydrates, and not consume a lot of sugar, but what do you know about fiber? I can tell you, you know you aren’t eating enough fiber. Studies show this is true for nine out of ten Americans (not only you)! And while fiber supplements are gaining momentum, it’s not just the next health food craze, high fiber food – the future of medicine. Food is medicine. Plant food gives us fiber and in turn, fiber cleans our gut, restores our gut, and builds our gut immunity. When you think about your next meal, think: you are what you eat. Your health is your wealth. Ask anyone unhealthy.

Why is dietary fiber important?

Dietary fiber helps you have healthy poop and maintain bowel health. It’s simple. If your stool is bulky and solid (vs. loose and watery), it will be easier to pass through your bowels, thus decreasing the chance of constipation. Fiber can help solidify your stool because it is water-absorbent and this is what gives your poop some bulk. Regular bowel movements are key to dietary health.

Fiber also helps indicate you are full, as it promotes faster digestion and alerts your body more quickly when you’ve had enough. This can contribute to weight loss.

And when sugars are consumed through fiber foods, spikes in glucose levels happen at a slower rate, keeping your blood sugar more easily manageable.

Fiber even acts as a scrub brush for your colon, with its natural ability to remove intestinal bacteria and build-up. This can reduce your risk of colon cancer and other gastrointestinal disease.

What is the best kind of fiber?

Fiber comes in two kinds: soluble and insoluble.

    • Soluble fiber dissolves in water and helps reduce cholesterol and maintain levels of blood sugar.
    • Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. This type of fiber is bulky and helps pass stool and prevent constipation.

While most foods have both varieties of fiber, keep in mind: There is no fiber in meat, dairy, or sugar.

For the #1 fiber to help your gastrointestinal system, try flaxseed!

Flaxseed provides many beneficial nutrients, primarily being rich in fiber, good for digestion; omega 3-fatty acids, good for a healthy heart; and lignans, a phytoestrogen that can protect against cancers. Flaxseed is highly recommended as an all-around healthy food choice for helping regulating blood sugar, helping decrease cholesterol, controlling blood pressure, promoting weight loss, boosting immunity, improving hair and skin health, reducing inflammation, and more.


How to include flaxseed in your diet?

Flaxseed can be found in different forms: whole seed, ground seed, and oil.

For dietary purposes, flaxseed provides the best benefits when consumed as ground. Ground flaxseed, or flax meal, can typically be found in the grocery store baking section or can be ordered online. While there are both organic and non-organic brands, one is not better than the other in terms of safety for consumption.

You can find recipes to bake with flaxseed or you can simply mix with different foods, for example, add to yogurt, cereal, or oatmeal; sprinkle on soups or salads; combine in sauces or seasonings; or mix in with smoothie ingredients.

To try some of these recipes, click the link:

Other fiber foods

You can replace white rice, bread and pasta with fiber from whole grain products and brown rice.

Berries are known to be high in fiber, including blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries. Other high-fiber fruits are bananas, apples, oranges, or pears. Remember, for the most fiber, whole fruits with their skins are better than fruit juices.

Vegetables that are high in fiber are spinach, broccoli, carrots, brussels sprouts, and green beans. Don’t forget to include legumes, like lentils, kidney beans, green peas, etc.

Dried fruits and nuts can additionally be consumed for fiber intake.

Lastly, fiber supplements are another way to increase your fiber, but remember: with supplements, you won’t get any other natural nutrients from the vitamins and minerals in high-fiber foods. Before taking any supplements, including fiber, be sure to consult with your doctor about potential drug interactions.

For more information on the best dietary fiber solutions for you, contact Dr. Farooq today!


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